How to Inspire Action through Design

Using design to spark behavior changes and change the world

Many of us are working on passion projects for the benefit of the world. Thankfully, design is a powerful tool in our branding toolbox to inspire action, create change, and empower your audiences to create a lasting impact in the world. Unsure what design can do? Here’s a few ways design can impact a business.

We believe that design can reach people without borders. Good design, invites everyone in, creating unity and connecting on a deep emotional level. Sure, it’s great for branding, but we believe design is capable of changing our world, here’s why.

Design can:

Spark Positive Behavior Changes

Sure, every single recyclable item reads “please recycle” but what if, there was a way to incorporate your intended action, into the design?

Think about adding a cute little character on the lid of every bottle that reminds people to “recycle me when you’re done!” Sure, you can do what everyone else does, but maybe design is another way to create the change you want to see in the world…

Show Change/Problems at Scale

Reading statistics can help emphasize the problems this world faces, but many of us are visual learners. Using design and visual elements to show what a problem looks like in the world helps us grasp the immediate need for action and behavior change.

Imagine a stat that says “75% of people do x.” If you used visuals like illustrations, and then branded colors to compliment the full group of people and the 75%. Sure 75% sounds like a big number, but when you see a group of items with 75% of them clearly marked, even if you aren’t personally attached to the issue, you’re curious about the impacts it has on the rest of the world.

Captivate and Educate

When it comes to spreading the word, your message is your bread and your design is the butter. If we step briefly back in time to the butter board trends, we know that the best snacks are comprised of high quality bread AND high quality butter. An easy way to accomplish the job is with one quality ingredient, but if you’re going for a “wow-factor” skimping isn’t the solution.

For those of us looking to capture attention and educate you need powerful design along with your educational message.

Interrupt Daily Habits

Similar to the way design can spark behavior change, using design to challenge the engraved daily habits we face can help create a better world. Think about the difference between using the stairs to taking the elevator. If the walls of the staircase were painted with a happy mural or a peaceful and decorative piece of art, people would feel refreshed and energized after the steps in place of a personality-less elevator ride.

Are you looking to inspire action through design and need a little help? Let’s chat strategy today!


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