How to Measure Whether Your Brand is Clicking with Your Target Audience

Non-number ways to measuring the impact of your brand

The best way to know if your efforts are netting results is to look for quantifiable data that proves it. Is your revenue increasing? Is your conversion rate moving up? These kinds of data points help us know we’re doing something right. But there are other things that we want to measure as well, particularly when it comes to our brand. These things aren’t as intuitively connected to quantifiable numbers as we might like. For example, how do we measure the emotions our audience feels when they encounter our brand? How do we measure how much people resonate with our blog content?

Without these qualitative forms of data, we miss the complete picture. These forms of measurement, though equally important to quantitative ones, are much harder to gauge than simply clicking into Google Analytics and checking your website traffic numbers. So how do you measure them?

What is a brand? 

First of all, we need to define what a brand is. It’s not just your logo — it’s the entire perception that the outside world has of your company. You’ve intentionally curated some of this perception through your social media posts, your website design, your brand images, and more. However, every action you take in the public eye, intentional or not, contributes to people’s perception of your company — and therefore, contributes to your brand. 

This is why it’s important to be as intentional and aware of your brand as possible. If you’re not, there will still be a “brand,” in that people will have a perception of your business. It just won’t be the one you designed and curated. 

Signs your brand is clicking with your audience

Now that we’re on the same page about what a brand is, we can start to identify the signs that your brand design is resonating with your audience. Here are the things to look out for: 

Your brand visibility and recognition is increasing

If your brand is working, your customers will be more and more able to identify your brand by its logo or colors alone. This means your brand is strong and stands apart from the competition.

If not, you should first ensure your brand logo and colors are consistent across all channels. If they are, you may want to consider a rebrand.

You’re connecting with your target audience

If the people who are following you on social media and engaging the most with your content are members of your target audience, that’s a clear sign that your brand is resonating with the right people.

If not, ask yourself: who am I attracting? The problem may be that your target audience is slightly off, and needs some tweaking. You may also want to make adjustments to your brand to see if that helps you appeal more to your original audience.

You’re getting leads from happy customers’ referrals

This is a great sign for all sides of your business. Happy customers that want to share your brand with others mean that you’re doing something right.

If your existing customers aren’t referring you to others, try to find out why. Are people leaving bad reviews of your product? Is your customer service experience poor? And finally, is there any way you can adjust your brand to ensure you’re building a stronger, deeper relationship with your customers? The strongest brands inspire loyalty!

Your employees are proud of where they work:

If your employees love your product/service so much that they purchase it themselves, share about your brand on their own social media accounts, and tell their friends all about it, that’s a sure sign that they’re proud to be a supporter of your brand.

If even your own employees hesitate to do so, that’s a negative sign. In this case, you’ll want to find out why your brand isn’t resonating — and consider a redesign.

People look to you as the thought leader in your industry:

If you’ve carved out a niche in your space and established yourself as the thought leader there, that’s a huge sign of your brand’s success. It shows that your content efforts are paying off to create a powerful brand reputation that customers will trust.

If you’re not seeing much engagement on social media, try to examine if your content is truly serving your target audience. Are you just promoting your products on social media, or are you genuinely trying to offer valuable insights and information to your customers?

Signs you’re not quite on the right track

While it feels great to know your brand is doing well, it’s really important to be able to identify the signs that your brand isn’t performing.

One of the biggest signs to look out for is if you’re losing all your clients to a competitor who seems to do the same thing that you do. This is a sign your brand is too similar to theirs — distinguish yourself from your competitors and show your customers why your brand is the best choice to serve their needs.

Another way to check is to ask your most loyal customers (or family or friends) what you do. If they can’t explain it clearly, that’s a sign your brand is weak. 
Finally, if you’re not seeing growth anywhere, whether that’s in sales, new clients, or even exposure, your brand could be to blame.

We can help you get back on track

If you’re seeing signs that your brand isn’t on the right track, don’t worry, everyone has been there. Let us help you get there! We’re experts at elevating brands and creating design that brings quantifiable benefits for your business. We know what works and what doesn’t — so you’re sure to be left with a brand that truly clicks with the people you serve.

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