Launching a New Brand: How to Celebrate Your Design

How to make your brand launch impactful

A brand launch is one of the most exciting and momentous parts of the branding process. It can also be one of the most stressful. To avoid critical mistakes and give your brand the buzz it deserves, you should be thoughtful about your brand launch. Here are some tips on how to do just that.

What is a brand launch?

Most people think of a brand launch only as the moment you make your brand public — the moment when you hit publish on your website. But really, a brand launch encompasses far more than that — it’s the entire series of steps that need to be taken to ensure the transition from your old branding to the new is seamless.

Done well, a brand launch allows you to build anticipation for your new brand and celebrate its release — rather than having it happen quietly without much fanfare. After investing time, money, and energy into your design, you deserve to have a successful brand launch that celebrates all the work you’ve put into this process.

How far out should you plan your launch?

While transitioning to a new brand, it can be tempting to push forward quickly. However, it’s a good idea to give yourself plenty of time to make the transition. You don’t want to miss any pieces, like launching your new logo everywhere except the headers on your email newsletter. Or forgetting to change the fonts on a section of your website.

During a brand launch, even seemingly minor tweaks to your brand can get complex very quickly as there are a lot of moving parts to switch over. Particularly if you have physical packaging to update, business cards to re-order, and multiple online profiles, you will want to budget plenty of time for your launch. This is the best way to ensure the transition feels seamless to your audience.

What should you share about the brand before it officially launches?

Make sure that your launch is tied to a story — it’s not just a swanky new set of visuals. What is the reasoning behind the choices you made? What does this new brand mean to you, personally? How does it more accurately reflect your company now?

Sharing elements of the new brand is important. This is how you build anticipation for the final reveal, but also how you avoid making the transition feel sudden and unexpected.

It even allows you to involve your audience in the process — either literally, like using social media polls to make design decisions, or figuratively, by sharing the behind-the-scenes process and letting your audience feel like they’re a part of the excitement.

Sharing elements of the brand as you’re creating it before you officially transition also gives you more time to share the “why” behind specific decisions. You can devote an entire blog post to why you centered your brand around the color red, or share an Instagram story all about what your logo design means.

Why a brand launch matters?

A brand launch matters because it creates a lightning-strike moment — it captures and holds the attention of your audience and gives people reasons to talk about your brand and share it with friends.

After the detailed and strategic elevation of your brand, a brand launch builds hype and energy that gives your brand the space to shine that it deserves.

Working with a professional will make your brand launch a success

Your brand designer will help you ensure that your brand launch elevates your business and that the process is smooth and effortless.

No matter what stage you’re at in the branding process, Sereth Design has all the experts you need to create a thoughtful, refined brand experience — from ideation to launch. Send us a message here to get started.


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