How to Breathe New Life into Your Branding

How to know when it’s time to refresh your brand + reignite engagement

This past Sunday was the Lunar New Year, which is always such a fun celebration among the East Asian community. There are so many things to love about the Lunar New Year (food, traditions, family, friends… the list goes on), but arguably the best thing about it is that it typically lands around 1 month after the global New Year. That means that after low key falling off of some of the typical new year’s goals you may have set, you get another chance at a fresh start! Phew! 

We’re here to encourage you to seize that fresh start. There’s no better time than now to take another stab at the new year and breathe new life into your business and brand.

But, the truth is—you don’t actually need a date
or a New Year to tell you when to refresh your brand; you just need to know when it’s time to.

So, how do you know if it’s time to refresh your brand?

You’ll know if:

  • You’ve been working so hard at the same marketing tactics, while seeing lower-than-hoped results.

  • Your brand feels disjointed and lacking of excitement, energy, and novelty.

  • You feel like you’re not connecting well with your patrons.

  • Your brand has felt at a plateau for quite some time.

  • You’ve launched new products/services but your brand hasn’t evolved with it.

We get it! There are so many factors that can result in low impact and low engagement. The good news? You can turn that ship around!

Here are a 3 ways to take steps towards a fresh start:  

1. Strategy and communications audit

Your brand is more than just your logo and color palette, so refresh your brand is more than just an exercise in graphic design — it starts at the foundation level. A strategy and communications audit is best for you if you feel like your messaging is just not hitting right. You’ll need to do in-depth research and competitive analysis to uncover some key struggle points and offer solutions. It’s also important to think through your audience and the key messages you’re sharing with them. 

2. Logo and visual identity system update

Nowadays with the ever-increasing number of players and businesses across an enormous amount of platforms, a strong brand identity is more important than ever. Your brand presence is a key factor for whether or not people trust you or want to engage with you. Perhaps your visual system is dated or isn’t giving you excitement to create new content - thereby resulting in low engagement. Through a visual identity system update you’ll be able to redesign the way people see you and give yourself a renewed sense of excitement to propel your brand forward.

3. Website refresh or redesign

We’d argue that your website is the MOST important part of your business. Because the internet is at our fingertips, viewers will find their way to your website first to learn more about who you are and what you do. That’s why your website has to be in pristine condition. If you feel like your site isn’t accurately communicating your mission, vision, or telling your compelling story, it may be time for a web refresh or redesign.

Having a strong brand that stands out positively
in the minds of your target audience and differentiates you from the crowd is the ultimate goal.

We know you run a business that is changing the world around you, and we just want you to be able to communicate that with everyone else!  

If you feel like your business could use one or more of these services, let’s chat. We’d love to help you breathe new life into your brand and take steps towards a better version of yourself. We look forward to hearing how we can help you and your business grow.


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